

In order to grow and thrive, children need a strong relationship with their attachment figure, often the mother. This psychological mechanism allows the child to move from a strong dependence on the parent to full independence as an adult.

For 2 to 8 years old suffering from separation anxiety, Bastien has come up with Nébula: an evolving night light that accompanies them as they grow. It facilitates the separation with the parent, thanks to a reassuring nighttime routine. In the evening, the child places a colored card on the night light. It symbolizes the main emotion experienced during the day. She then chooses a slide from an accompanying book. In this way, she gradually masters her emotions and falls asleep, soothed.

L’enfant choisit ensuite une diapositive dans le livre associéL’enfant choisit ensuite une diapositive dans le livre associé
Les cartes permettent à l’enfant de s’exprimer et de dialoguer sur ses émotionsLes cartes permettent à l’enfant de s’exprimer et de dialoguer sur ses émotions
Chaque soir, une carte symbolisant une émotion est placée sur la veilleuseChaque soir, une carte symbolisant une émotion est placée sur la veilleuse

This project, exhibited at La Cale 2 Créateurs from 15 September to 3 October 2021, has been selected as part of Design L'Expo 2020.

"Working on separation anxiety made sense for him."

Julie Le Ster
Le Studio Montréal Course Leader

"Bastien created Nébula, a lamp that helps children overcome their anxiety. Working on separation anxiety made sense for him. So he created a rich network of local actors around him, in order to find the position of designer needed for the project. After studying the different phases of a child’s development, he met with and observed many specialists. Then he spoke with parents and children, to target the precise moment of his intervention. He chose bedtime for very young children. His object allows even toddlers to express the emotions experienced during the day and to resolve any negative feelings generated. This is what makes it stand out from other objects on the market. More than a simple night light, Nébula encourages children to dialogue with their parents and to create a special moment before going to sleep. The round shape of the lamp subtly evokes a small comforting companion. To ensure the product’s longevity, Bastien has also thought about the scalability of Nebula, so it adapts to the age of the child." Julie Le Ster - Le Studio Montréal Course Leader


Bastien Padiolleau

Bastien Padiolleau

End of studies internship, Akonite, furniture and boardsports equipment, Paris, France

2018 - 2020
Design and entrepreneurship Masters degree, Le Studio Montréal, L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, Montreal, Canada

2017 - 2018
lndustrial Products Bachelors degree, L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, France

2015 - 2017
Product Design BTS (2 year advanced diploma), Jean Monnet High School, Les Herbiers, France

Motto: " Less is more. " Mies Van Dert Rohe

Published on 09.07.20